Welcome to the Transforming Corrections to Transform Lives Centre
Transforming Corrections to Transform Lives is an innovative collaboration working to transform the lives of mothers in custody and their children. Our pioneering project has the principles of co-creation at its core. Our vision is to co-create a new method of service provision for imprisoned mothers and their children that creates conditions for families to thrive through a holistic system of practice that supports wellbeing and social inclusion and that demonstrates more effective, sustainable service provision that can be scaled up by governments.
“We can and need to do better to work with mothers and their children to create pathways for families to thrive”
Professor Susan Dennison
Latest news and media

Transforming Corrections to Transform Lives funded for Phase 2
Thanks to a generous donation from the Paul Ramsay Foundation in June 2022, mothers in the corrections system will benefit from a Griffith University led pilot project designed to support their wellbeing and social inclusion. Find out more

Transforming Corrections to Transform Lives: Creating a Blueprint for Change
Arts, Education and Law 2021 Professional Lecture presented by Professor Susan Dennison, Griffith Criminology Institute. View now
Recent reports and publications

Developing a new model of support for incarcerated mothers and their children. Summary findings from Workshop Series 3
Workshop 3 followed two series of workshops with mothers in prison and stakeholders in the community that were held between December 2020 and April 2021. This document reports on the outcome of our third workshop series, held in May 2021. Unlike the previous externally focused workshops, this workshop series was internal and included the ten members of the research team.